ABCD4 Kids

Come to your Talent Party 4 Kids

fasten4 factions

with the kids together happily discover Talent

Kids of 4 to 12 year we challenge to play in a fun way with Talent

You make something or you do something that you may very well. We are making a movie or a picture of. If your home a favorite game or favorite toy have, bring that. Then you can put that beautiful on the photo or movie. We make a Haiku in and then we beat all Talent Prints digitally. Then we go Full of the Talents of the whole group to work. The workshop you can keep at school or at someone's home. fasten4 takes you what you need. Do you already own a tablet, laptop or phone take it with me. These workshops are ideal as birthday party

Fasten, Ori & Tatie, KroonKraan

These are the digital little: Fasten, Or&Tation and Crowned Crane. They are made from the letters f,the,ta k. They experience the wildest adventures. They tickle your Fantasy and we are all together cheerful.

KIDS abc en opdracht

Fasten4 is based on a professional experience of forty years of creative education as part of Puppet Djamba, written by children, musical performances. In the course of time, many figures arise. The workshop participants can see various figures, hold, play with and possibly draw inspiration for their Talent Print;

In the Children van2012 all children in the Netherlands challenged to make contact with children all over the world. Via YouTube are many versions of the song 'Hello World' the world passed. With the translation machinery anyone can understand the text. The desire of fasten4 is that the global target for every child education award will be met. Internet will it could play a major role. fasten4 meth the fast4apps hopes that the succeed in the digital recording of Talent Prints worldwide spread, So that every child who wants' can teach himself to read along with educators. With its 'own' Talent Alphabet.


Want to give a game? Read more

The factions are basically for Kids of 4-12 year

But more is possible with additional ownership. For kids from under the 4 year, an additional supervisor per 3 children help. Mothers with the fetus still in the abdomen can also organize a meeting to look for the talent of their fetus

A game of 2 uren cost € 4.44 with uur by kid. In groups of 10 VAT included children and work materials. The adults who want to offer extra help do Free. The price is kept very low in part because fasten4 want selflessly contribute to Talent from an early age as possible

The mothers, fathers and friends, that of their fetus to 4 old to learn to make a Talent Print pay € 44.44 per Talentdag. In a group of up 10 participants. Also for what you get offered a relatively low price

In such Talentdag in four or five hours, laid the foundation for a Talented development. If you develop with tracking Talent Prints from the fetus, you develop as a mother, famous father and a beautiful picture of the Unique Talent of the Child. Children up to fourth lives from their second year make their own Talent Alphabet, teach themselves spontaneously to read and write

UBS stick met tekst

For € 14.44 you can buy a spaciale TalentUSB Stick to keep your talent and to everyone, you want, showing

Talent Kids come at age four with their Talent Alphabet in primary