ABCD 4 Educate

Welcome to the Workshops 4 Educate

fasten4 Educate Together is Sociable Talented Grow Bigger

De workshops 4 Educating are suitable for all groups combined group of compounds of various ages or adults only or children only. Both volunteers and professionals can make their own talent and Education Talent further develop and make Insight

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Talent - Parenting ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Balans op fietsenstapel Ilging Resinler

My Talent Moment

I want to Share

Create a Talent?

Pijl in de roos Office Microsoft MR900441701

Read enough and DO YOU WANT TO JOIN immediately? Scroll all the way down or click on the menu TO CONTACT YOU TO GIVE

OF ………..READ 'very' EXTENDED BEYOND…….. During the workshop, experience a Talent Moment, makes a Talent Print and coming from the printer as a Print Talent. You hit on what you want to keep. You go home with a Talent cake at home even more on your Talent Talent Moments Stick to convert

fasten4 is cozy with Talent Cakes, a cake not to eat…….. but to choose Talent Aspects Cake Pieces of your Unique Talent Cake

For example, a Behavior Talent Cake:

GedragTalentenTaart 8 karakters met 32 TalentVaardigheden

Behavior Talent Cake 8 characters 32 Talent Skills

De workshops 4 Educating be given to the location of the private institutions. That saves a lot of organization and travel for participants. Fasten4 comes with the necessary means to you now. It is helpful if all participants have their own Mobile Internet Device to disposal. Without Shareholders' Internet and charging options, you can make Analog Talent Prints you can save later. if that can be arranged during the workshop, that happens naturally.

It is possible to purchase a Fasten4USB Stick. This is a business card with USB Stick. It can be always at hand as necklace, keychain or wallet

UBS stick met tekst

The workshops can be given together with the group of children with their teachers or counselors with the group of young people. The result is that everyone makes a Talent - at their own level with Private Talent

The idea is that you on your Talent Print Of self fasten4USBStick with the instruction there, take home. You can also email to yourself. The USB Stick is also a Talent Cake with talent that you have chosen to go develop during the workshop. So you can home the USB increasingly filling Talent Print

The first Talent Aspects later prove to be observed during pregnancy. Mother and child's later fun as it vasstaat

♦♦♦♦ Example Mom and Fetus Talent Print ♦♦♦♦

13032013 Mother Talent

Facebook Amazing Facts & Nature Zwangere Moeder 580711_420326648056789_1475992631_n

Facebook-Amazing-Facts-Nature-Pregnant Mother-

I am mommy!

That can not be true?

Look a daughter!

Facebook Foto bij ohdaesoofilmpje safe_image

facebook Ofdaesoo

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ End Talent Print ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

There are 4 types of workshops to educate:


AlfabetApplicaties build together with Interpersonal Talent Prints. You make your own alphabet and a joint Talent Talent Alphabet. In this workshop you will experience personal talents that complement each other. If you and your Talents bet that jointly produces a gain on. A Higher Yield of both your personal and the Interpersonal Talent.


Monkey-nut premiums-for-now-of-the-biblotheek

A of Alphabet Monkey with note-premiums-for-now (source:the-Public Biblotheek site)

Bijdehandjes, Using Both Hands with reason Talent Prints. There is sometimes a distinction between people, who work with their hands and those who work with their minds. In this workshop you will experience that doing it will be compatible with thinking. It would be bad if a surgeon is dismissed as simply someone who works with his hands. You Talent Palette is a complex mixture of both Think- as doeTalenten

BeideHands Facebook via Wow! Amazing 532037_599655490049850_1977857404_n

B4 crafty, Both Hands intelligent bets

CreatiefGedrag with poppy Behavior Talents. On the basis of 32 Talents behavior we choose and Behavior Talent Print making. Of 32 Take your talents as a Golden Talent Cake home, so you can go home until all behavioral components encountered are as Talent Moments

C4 Creative Alone and Working Together

Dpacks van Picasso for Creative Talent. A particular work of art as a crown to make cooperation by each Talents to appreciate and exploit. If life is great kubnstwerk, can present each in its own way a Moment of Analog experienced Talent digitally translate into a Talent Print

Van Persoonlijke Droedels naar Groepswerk

D4 personal Doodles → Group Artwork

The workshops are based on fasten4 Talent Model with the formula

Talent = 4D4x 4TM4


TalentMODELfasten4 distinguishes 4 Dimensions of talent. Based on long-term research has fasten4 a model developed in relation to 4Dimensies TalentOntplooing. Fasten4 = 4xD. In each workshop, the four dimensions in picture:
All ABCD workshops Cross Language Teel attention fasten4 = D4

DVersatile talent development ynamiek.

Daadkrachtig and imperturbable work on your Talent Print

Digitaal Talent printing from JongAfAan to High Elderly

Deelnemen to making prints Talent is associated with Optimum Participation

fasten4 distinguishes 4 Talent Sizes which the 4D4Talent development factors are measured continuously.

All ABCD workshops working with 4 Talent Sizes fasten4 = 4D4 x 4TM4

TalentMoment as the moment when the Insight springs to you

TalentMatch when you connect to someone else's Talent

TalentMisser a blooper where you completely miss out on your Talent

TalentMenu imagine that in order to function optimally Social Emotional


fasten4 geeft ’Edutainment’ Workshops, which teaches a group of young and old in 'a' day Edutainment entails and how you put it into practice it is possible to follow one or a series of workshops on the various categories of this website

Young people to 15 pay € 4,44 for persoon, by time of day. Including VAT and the materials for the products of Talent Talent Moments and Prints. Minimum 20 youth

Elderly, pay € 44,44 for persoon, per dag. Including VAT and the materials and Talent Talent Moments Prints. Minimum 10 people

Groups can also be formulated by a combination of old and young. All participants put on their own level Own Unique Talents in

Workshop lasts 5 hours in two sessions: 2 x 2,5 hour break at will

UBS stick met tekst

As we have above can read in the text. It is possible to store your Talent Work on a special USB Card for € 14.44