Both Hands 4 Brain Balans

Welkom in de Masterklas voor Bijdehandjes

with BownedHands je Brain in Balans

In this Master Class we focus on the clompexiteit a Talent Palette. We can analyze and classify the Talents. The interaction of neurons and study their effects in the brain. The past 100 years there has been much research on the positive development opportunities that a man himself can accomplish for themselves opportunities

In this master class, we will examine the latest developments in theory and research what is applicable to talent development in practice

Sign in using the form at Contact , 0650521555 of

Your own contribution to Talent Counts, all variants are negotiable if fasten4 may so arrange that the Master Class leaves you satisfied

Young people to 15 year, pay fasten4 : € 4,44 for persoon, by time of day. Including VAT and the materials for the products of Talent Talent Moments and Prints. Minimum 20 youth

Elderly, pay € 44,44 for persoon, per dag. Including VAT and the materials and Talent Talent Moments Prints. Minimum 10 people

Master Class run 4 hours in two sessions: 2 x 2 hour break choice Workshop or Master Class of a session is also possible

Fasten4 USBstick als visitekaartje is van jou voor €14.44

Fasten4 USB stick as a business card is yours for € 14.44