About Lisan Fasten

My name is Lisan Fasten. I have since my 65th birthday owner of fasten4 'Edutainment Young Talent' After 40 years of teaching experience at all levels in various positions, I work on a stimulus for Talents from the fetus to about grandparenting. Talents you develop from the experience of Talent Moments. That you lay digitally as Talent Prints. "Fasten4 'focus in the coming 4 academic year at a university PhD research into the effects of Talent Alphabets that children 2 to 4 years developing. The question is: To what extent children with Talent Alphabet in primary school come from the outset a Personal and Talented read-, linguistic, write- and create development exhibit. Ideally I would parallel to research an app develop talent prints to be able to explain. If via IPhone, Phone, Ipad, Tablet of computer, Talent every moment of the day, to utilize and capture as a Talent Postcard. With a worldwide distribution so that every child can learn to read themselves talented and write and create, on the basis of Talent Moments that you digitally capture as Talent Prints. Then education is a new trend and a time own way to solve. If there are professors who me to the doctoral research to accompany me, then I recommend. Please contact me via 'comments' section of this site. If Media Experts who want to help me in the development and the global spread of the Talent Postcard Apps, even then I recommended to me and I await your response in this site. I wish everyone much blissful Talent Moments.