
Welcome to the Digital Dimension Edutainment

fasten4 a Talented Dive into your EigenWebNetwerk

Developing your talent starts from fertilization. With a fetus movie digital life of the child long before birth begins. If a mother from the beginning her Mother Talent Talent Moments captures as Prints, the child may see the light of both Analog (physical), as Digital cared.

Edutainment Talent Prints can start at the first concern of the clinic and continue to the elderly care

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Digitaal senioren

Digital Talent?

of Fetus to Senior High?

And, Make Talent Prints!

Workshop Onderwijs Digitaal

4D44D44D44D44D44D4End Talent Digital Print4D44D44D44D44D44D4

Children often find it fantastic to play with digital tools. They quickly how it works and remember them easily. It is understood that the appropriate docering opportunities

For seniors is a complete correspondence course consists of Visual Books, containing a thorough yet childishly simple manual

A Digital Talent alphabet looks like this:

Digitaal alfabet via Homa Tehrani

faceboek Homa T
